
Plagiarism Policy

MANARUL ILMI: Journal of Islamic Studies is committed to upholding the highest integrity and academic honesty standards. We take plagiarism and other forms of research misconduct very seriously. This policy outlines our approach to detecting and handling plagiarism.

Plagiarism occurs when an author uses someone else's work, ideas, or words without appropriate attribution or permission. This includes, but is not limited to:

     a. Direct copying of text from another source without quotation marks and proper citation.

     b. Paraphrasing or rephrasing someone else's work without proper attribution.

     c. Using ideas or data from another source without acknowledgement.

     d. Submitting work that is not the author's own.

Similarity Index

All submitted manuscripts will be screened for plagiarism using [Name of Plagiarism Detection Software]. The maximum acceptable similarity index is 25%. Manuscripts that exceed this threshold will be rejected.

Screening Process

  1. Initial Screening: Upon submission, each manuscript will be checked for plagiarism using [Name of Plagiarism Detection Software].
  2. Threshold Evaluation: If the similarity index is 25% or less, the manuscript will proceed to the peer review process.
  3. High Similarity: If the similarity index exceeds 25%, the manuscript will be immediately rejected. Authors will be notified and provided with the plagiarism report.

Consequences of Plagiarism

If plagiarism is detected at any stage (before or after publication), the following actions will be taken:

  1. Manuscript Rejection: The manuscript will be rejected if plagiarism is detected during submission.
  2. Retraction: The article will be retracted if plagiarism is discovered after publication. The journal will publish a retraction notice, and the author's institution may be notified.
  3. Author Notification: The corresponding author will be notified of the plagiarism and provided with a copy of the plagiarism report.

Author Responsibilities

Authors must ensure their work is original and all sources are appropriately cited. Authors should:

  • Check their manuscripts for potential plagiarism before submission.
  • Properly attribute all sources of information, data, and ideas.
  • Obtain necessary permissions for any third-party material used in their work.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding our plagiarism policy, please contact us at [Contact Information].